Recipe: Simple data processing

What we want to achieve


Pipeline structure



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from rdc.common.util.text import slughifi
from rdc.etl.extra.util import TransformBuilder
from rdc.etl.hash import Hash
from rdc.etl.job import Job
from rdc.etl.transform.extract import Extract as _Extract
from rdc.etl.transform import Transform as _Transform
from rdc.etl.transform.util import Log

# Create our data extractor. Here, we use a simple generator to create it.
def Extract():
    yield Hash((
        ('id', 1, ),
        ('name', 'John Doe', ),
        ('position', 'CEO', ),
    yield Hash((
        ('id', 2, ),
        ('name', 'Jane Doe', ),
        ('position', 'CTO', ),
    yield Hash((
        ('id', 3, ),
        ('name', 'George Sand', ),
        ('position', 'Writer', ),

# Transform our data
# A Transform created using a decorator is built from a function taking a hash and a channel id, we will ignore
# channel id here.
def Transform(h, c):
    # Create slug applying a field transformation
    h['slug'] = slughifi(h['name'])

    # Rename 'name' field and call it 'full_name
    h.rename('name', 'full_name')

    # Send our modified hash to the default output channel/pipeline
    yield h

# Create the job
job = Job()
job.add_chain(Extract(), Transform(), Log())

# Run it
if __name__ == '__main__':


$ python example/cookbook/

  id:int → «1»
  position:str → «CEO»
  slug:str → «john-doe»
  full_name:str → «John Doe»

  id:int → «2»
  position:str → «CTO»
  slug:str → «jane-doe»
  full_name:str → «Jane Doe»

  id:int → «3»
  position:str → «Writer»
  slug:str → «george-sand»
  full_name:str → «George Sand»


This job is pretty useless, because it reads hardcoded values and write the result to your current terminal. You may want to read: